Our Mission and Virtues

DEIGRA’s mission is simple, we strive to provide virtue-driven Business Initiative Management (BIM) services that help clients deliver creative and transformative solutions while promoting a culture of life.

Our company was founded on the idea that in order to achieve success the undervalued must be valued. When each person’s dignity is firmly established, then diversity of thought flourishes, expanding innovation and uniting people under a common vision. Each of the virtues of DEIGRA provide a building block to virtue-driven Business Initiative Management.


First and foremost, our team operates on the virtue of truth. Thus, all of our work is carried out truthfully, with utmost integrity to one another as a team and to our clients. We work truthfully because we are directed by the ultimate truth found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Our team operates on the virtue of faith. We stand convicted in our faith, which animates our relationships with one another and our clients. We ensure that we remain fully committed to every client’s goals, by taking the first step – without seeing the full staircase – knowing that our faith will carry us beyond results and deliverables to synergy with our clients for every project entrusted to us.


Our team operates on the virtue of courage. As a team committed to excellence, we courageously work with clients to embark on creative solutions to overcome any challenges and ultimately reach our client’s goals.


Our team operates on the virtue of humility. All of our work is done with humble confidence and service to each other and our clients, drawing on each team member’s strengths and recognizing the true value of the individual.